Crossdressing Kimmie Sweetie

You are now in the Adult section which you will find all my nude, sex or masturbating content. You must be an adult 18 years or older to be on this page. I have also place any of my foot content with adult situations here also. You can view foot related adult stuff with the menus to the left. Enjoy and have lot of fun!

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Kimmie Sweetie 15 years ago
Purpose of my Cross Dressing Channel

Here's a video I did after I got 500 subscribers. I was so excited and a bit scared of how would I entertain everyone. I have some future ideas for next year. Maybe have some more dancing. At this time I'm going to be trying new things out and hoping I can have some fun. There will be videos of my feet and legs to tease. There will also be the vlogging style of videos where I just talk. Maybe next year I can do some videos outside. I really have to be brave and comfortable to do that. Look for some music videos for Christmas and a SPECIAL Christmas video with something fun. :)

This is a video which was uploaded to YouTube HERE.

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